I’m here to put your hands directly on the Life Control Panel that you didn’t even realize you had.

I’ll show you every button and switch. We’ll practice together until you’ve got the hang of it.

And by the time we’re done, you’ll know how to tap into peace and control and infinite “I got this” – on demand, anytime you need it.

Hi! I’m Pooja.

Meet your coach

My Mission:

To teach you simple, high-leverage Life Problem-Solving Tools that help you get unstuck, free yourself from Should’s, and create the life you actually want.

How we got here

From 1990 to present day

 I get the first 3 Harry Potter books for my 9th birthday. I read them all in one day and then open WordPad on our family computer and start writing. I never stop.

I’m born in New Delhi, India.


We move to the US. I find out I know more multiplication tables than anyone else in the class. An overachiever is born.



I join the corporate strategy group at Capital One and against all expectations…I love it. Even more than screenwriting. It’s creative, analytical, advisory – and aimed at helping people create tangible, lasting transformations.

I go off to Harvard College to study English and creative writing. I learn Korean, fall in love with comedy, and decide to become a screenwriter.


I go to LA, talk to lots of people in the entertainment industry, and realize…this is a rough career path. I buy a blazer, show up to campus recruiting, and say “Hello, I would like a job in Business!”



…then I join Boston Consulting Group and work on some incredible projects, some awful projects, and make approximately one million slides… (I love making slides :)

I head off to Harvard Business School aka summer camp for adults. I read cases, drink lots of wine, and hang out with the smartest, nicest people I’ve ever met.


I begin a four-year pinball journey, looking for a place to do the “advisory / analytical / creative / helping people” THING I like to do. I start as a research associate for Clay Christensen...



I’ve found my “advisory / analytical / creative / helping people” THING. Every day, I try to live a life I’ll be proud of on my deathbed. And I help others do the same.

…then I become chief of staff to the head of credit card fraud at Capital One. Covid hits, and quarantine forces me to re-evaluate everything. I hire my first coach.


I keep asking myself: On my deathbed, what will I wish I had done? I get back to writing. I start an email newsletter. I do a coach certification. I launch my coaching business.




I simply INSIST that you live the life that you actually want.

Because you are too smart, too hardworking, too dedicated, and too deserving not to.

You have worked so hard to get everything you have.

No more squishing yourself into a box that doesn't fit you.

No more being fueled by stress and anxiety because you think you have no other choice.

I’m here to tell you that you can have both.
Great performance, high quality work, big goals and ambitions…
AND peace, calm, alignment, control, and doing things YOUR way.

Let me show you how.

The reason I became a coach


I offer one-on-one coaching that is custom-tailored to the problems you want to break through, the goals you want to achieve, and the results you want to create in your life.

To learn more about how we can work together, come talk to me! Schedule a free consultation call where we can discuss where you are now, where you want to be, and how I can help you get there.

What kind of coaching packages do you offer?

Lets get a few of your questions answered. 

Quick Q&A


Think of it like the difference between going to a doctor and going to a personal trainer.

If you have an unmanaged mental illness or are below baseline in your mental health, always seek out licensed mental health care.

If you’re functioning above baseline, but you still want to be less stressed, make more thoughtful decisions, and work toward your goals in a structured, consistent manner, a coach can be a great support.

Many of my clients have both a coach and a therapist (in the same way that many people have both a doctor and a personal trainer), and they find the two approaches to be complementary.

What is the difference between coaching and therapy?

Lets get a few of your questions answered. 

Quick Q&A


Check out my Table of Contents page, where I organize all my free coaching and teaching by topic.

This page is jam-packed with tips, tricks, exercises, and processes for killing work stress, getting clear on what you want to do next, and making your next career step a success.

I also go deep on my coaching methodology and how you can apply it to yourself before you start working with a coach.

How can I get a sample of your coaching?

Lets get a few of your questions answered. 

Quick Q&A


First, do you have a burning platform? Do you have a problem, goal, or result that you are determined to make happen? Are you saying: “The time has come. This needs to be solved NOW.”?

Second, have you been stuck for more than 7 days? Has it been more than a week since you’ve taken steps forward and made progress?

If you answered yes to both of those questions, it’s time to hire a coach. I want to help you make progress on your burning platform starting today. And when you have a coach, you never stay stuck for more than 7 days – because we coach every week, and every coaching session unlocks awareness, clarity, and next steps.

 How do I know when it’s time to hire a coach?

Lets get a few of your questions answered. 

Quick Q&A

It’s time to live the life you actually want.

Let’s start today.